Are you GOTH enough?.....

Are you GOTH enough?.....
Do you dare find out?.....

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Greetings to all....
If you are not goth you might learn something about our nonconforming life style, and stop making fun of our population. If you are goth help me spread he news of us...that we are still people. We see the world in a different way, but HELLO!!!! WE ARE HUMANS!!!! TREAT US LIKE SOME, WOULD YOU!....No we're not vampires, demonds, we don't cut(emo), we don't worship saten(devil) be nice to us. You may learn something about us. You never know?....

P.S. If you have any questions weather you just want to know or are trying to be goth just ask and I'll answer to the best of my ability.